Thursday, March 18, 2010

Response to Mr. Ticknor’s blog post #2:

Mr. Ticknor writes about how the fast food giant, McDonald’s, has two of basketball’s best players endorse their food. Lebron James and Dwight Howard definitely do not show how McDonald’s is great for your health, being professional athletes who most likely rarely eat a Big Mac from Miccy D’s. Although Lebron James was quoted to say he endorsed McDonald’s to help out the Ronald McDonald House which helps children with disabilities pay for health bills, it still looks awkward for him to be indulging in a Big Mac. Mr. Ticknor put it the best way, “Nothing says top physical fitness like a Big Mac.”
While reading Mr. Ticknor’s blog about two professional basketball players endorsing McDonald’s and their high calorie food, I almost laughed. I didn’t know about this endorsement, but now that I am aware of this, I too am asking myself, “What are they thinking?” There is no way that those two basketball players eat McDonald’s! McDonald’s must be targeting a young athletic audience when having Lebron James and Dwight Howard endorse them, even though those young, athletic people most likely will not eat at McDonald’s because of the horrible health problems that McDonald’s food can cause. McDonald’s is straight up not good for you, no matter what you order, and athletes do realize this if they want to be in good shape; McDonald’s will not be their first choice for fast food.

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