Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Water Skiing Demo Speech Self Eval.

When I demonstrated how to get up on water skis, all main points were touched on, even though there are not many steps to follow to accomplish the hard task of getting up on two skis. I went through each step, from putting on the skis to actually skiing around on two skis. I acted as I was teaching someone to ski, which I do quite often throughout the summer, and know how to affectively show others how to do.
I look at skiing as being a very fun and energetic sport, so I tried to convey that point in my speech by laughing and telling a few humorous stories to keep the audience feeling positive towards the great sport. I could tell while watching the video of myself that I was nervous by my body movement from side to side, and my quick eye contacts with the audience. I usually do not sway when I talk to others as I did during my speech, or quickly look up and down at the audience.
The only good way to teach someone how to water ski is to show the one wanting to learn first. I did this in my speech by using a ski handle to show the direction I would be getting pulled out of the water, and how the handle effects good water skiing form. It would have been better to bring in a pair of water skis, but I did not have easy access to water skis being 200 miles away from home where all my equipment is stored.
Looking back on my speech topic, I would definitely repeat it if I had a chance because I know water skiing very well and can easily walk through the process, step by step, of getting out of the water to skiing behind the boat. If I did do this speech again, I would try to bring in a pair of water skis to add some visual assistance to the audience to more easily describe the process of water skiing as a whole. I also may show a quick video of a certain type of skiing, such as hydrofoiling, to wrap up the process.

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